Monday, June 3, 2013

Southwick Beach State Park - June

Mon. 6/3/13  I could not get water to go into the house water tank so we just filled our 6 OJ bottles and 3 jugs. We left home around 11:15 and stopped and hooked on the Tucson at the rest stop near Eastview Mall.  We stopped at the Waterloo Exit at Petro and filled up with gas and got Subway sandwiches to eat on the road.  We had to go to Exit 41 on Rt. 81 because they were working on the bridge at Exit 40. We got off at 41 in Adams and drove over to Rt. 3 and drove south till we got to Southwick Beach.  We were at our beach site 10.  We set up, we had to use bottle water all 2 weeks, then sat outside in the sun and read.  It was very windy.  We saw Janet and Claude.  We ate inside then took a walk on the beach, collected a lot of drift wood.  We played cards.  Very chilly, 50 degrees.  The wind blew hard all night.  Tues. 6/4/13 Got up to 55 degrees outside.  After breakfast we drove out of the park and bought firewood then went over to Rt. 81 and went to Exit 39 to write down directions on how to get off here and then get to Southwick for our company.  We did some work both inside and outside RV.  Then we sat outside because it was sunny but cool and read and napped.  We had supper and I rode my bike up to garbage and then around the park.  When I got back we went to Janet and Claude's to have a fire.  Bob and Diane came too.  We came home around 10 and went to bed.  Wed. 6/5/13 I decided to put the water jug with a spout next to the bathroom sink so it would be easier to bush our teeth with the running water from the spout.  The weather was very cloudy but 75 degrees.  Gordon and Peggy Heinzman arrived around 11:30.  We played cards, ate lunch, went for a walk on the beach then came back and played more cards.  We had supper then sat outside around the fire.  They left around 9:30.  We came in and read.  Thurs. 6/6/13   We woke up to rain.  We had breakfast, did dishes, took showers then read, or worked on computers.  We had lunch, I watched a movie on my portable DVD player, Mike took a nap.  We read the rest of the afternoon cause it was still raining.  We ate supper then played cards, read.  Fri. 6/7/13  we spent most of the day at Aunt Ethel's.  Joan and Sonny were there too.  We left when Katie called that they were just getting on Rt. 81.  We got back to the RV just after Katie and family arrived.  The kids wanted to go to the beach so they got into their suits, so did Bill and Mike.  The four of them went into the very cold water for all of 10 sec. then we took Witney and came back up to the RV and got her dressed.  The boys came up a few seconds later.  We had to eat dinner inside because it was starting to rain.  We played games with the kids, they went to bed and the adults played cards.  Sat. 6/8/13 we woke up to a gray and cold day. We played games with the kids after breakfast then we went to Watertown.  Katie found a bounce house in Watertown on her phone so we went there then went out to lunch.  We got back to RV around 3:30.  We all went on a walk to the beach.  We collected drift wood and walked over the first walkover.  When we got back Bill and Will made the fire. We had supper then had smores for dessert.  We sat around the fire then the kids went to bed and we stayed outside at the fire, then finally went in and played cards.  Sun. 6/9/13 we woke up to sun.  We had breakfast, did dishes, then went up to the head of the nature trail and walked it back to the beach.  Katie and Bill put Will and Witney in the bike buggy and went for a bike ride.  We ate lunch and all went down to the beach.  We made dribble castles and everyone went into water except me; too cold.  We came back up to the RV.  Katie and Bill took the kids up to elect. loop and gave them a hot shower.  We had supper and ate outside in the hot sun.  They left for home after supper.  We had a fire and invited Janet and Claude to it.  We sat out there until about 10.  Mon. 6/10/13 we woke up to another gray day. It started to rain in the afternoon so we just read and played cards.  Tues. 6/11/13 we woke up to more rain.  We spent the morning playing cards.  We left for Watertown to see the movie, Star Trek: the Dark Night.  We went to Red Lobster for dinner.  Then we went to Walmart to do some grocery shopping.  We got back to RV with sun and blue sky.  We sat and watched the sun set but I got cold so I went inside. We played cards.  Wed. 6/12/13 we got up to sun and blue sky.  We took a nice long walk on the beach, to the second walk-over and when we came back, we picked up some more driftwood.  In the afternoon we stayed up at the campsite and sat outside reading and napping.  After supper we took a long bike ride.  We had our campfire then it got cold, so we came in and played cards.  Thurs. 6/13/13 we woke up to rain, spent the morning playing cards.  In the afternoon we drove to Watertown and went to the movies, saw Iron Man 3.  We ate dinner at the Olive Garden.  It was cool and damp out when we got back to RV, so we spent the evening reading.  Fri. 6/14/13 we got up to sun and clouds.  We spent the afternoon on the beach, Mike in suit, me in jeans and fleece.  He even went into the water twice. After supper we walked down to the concession stand and had ice cream.  We came back and sat around the fire, Janet and Claude joined us.    Sun. 6/16/13 Happy Father's Day. It was very foggy and raining.  We went down and said good-bye to Janet and Claude.  We spent the day inside, reading and playing cards.  Sun came out in the late afternoon so we got to have a fire.  We ran into another couple that we met last year, so we invited them to our campfire. Our campfire only lasted till 9 because it started to rain again plus thunder and lighting.  We came inside and played cards.  Mon. 6/17/13 Happy Birthday, Judy.  We were up by 8 and we were all packed and ready to go by 12.  On the way home we stopped at the Waterloo exit and went to Petro and filled up with gasoline and then went inside and had dinner at the Iron Skillet, my birthday dinner.  We had to get off at Eastview because of the bridge work on our exit.  We stopped at the mall and unhooked the Tucson, then we went home.
Southwick Beach - site 10

Doing smores

Eating smores

Walking nature trail

Witney and Will at the beach