Monday, September 8, 2014

Southwick Beach State Park - September

Mon. 9/8/14  We left home around 11:00, stopped at the Waterloo exit and got gas for RV and Mike ordered 2 Subs for us to eat on the way.  We arrived at Southwick Beach around 2:00.  It was sunny, with a little breeze and 75 degrees.  We set up fast and then went down to the beach.  The beach was a lot wider than in June.  We sat with Claude and Janet.  Mike went into the water and noodled for 1/2 hr.  It was so warm I even went into the water. The water was clean and clear. We came back up to the RV at 5:30 and had supper then we had a fire, with a full moon.  Tues. 9/9/14 we woke up to a sunny day and it got to 74 degrees.  After doing our morning work we went down to the beach.  Mike went out in the water and noodled again.  Mike went back up to the RV and made sandwiches and brought them down to the beach.  After lunch I took a long walk down the beach and when I came back Mike was out in the water again.  Later in the afternoon I went up to RV and brought down cocktails.  We came back up at 5:30 and had supper.  Our neighbors had a RV just like ours and they invited us to come see the inside.  A completely different layout.  Then they came over to see our inside.  We then invited them to our fire and had a nice visit. They are leaving tomorrow so we probably won't ever see them again.   Wed. 9/10/14 woke up to cloudy and breezy but still warm. The Heinzman's arrived at 11:00.  We sat outside and visited then we ate lunch outside.  We took a walk down the beach.  When we got back we decided we could play cards on the picnic table.  We had supper outside and then we went inside and played more cards.  They left around 8:00.  The weather got worse in the evening, winds up to 30 mph and it rained really hard.  Thurs. 9/11/14  We woke up with the pouring rain and very, very windy.  We did our morning chores then ate an early lunch and then left for Aunt Ethel's. We stayed through supper and headed back to the RV around 7:30.  Fri. 9/12/14  we woke to sun and clouds.  After breakfast we rode our bikes around the campground. We then got in the car and drove to a farm market Claude and Janet told us about. We bought corn on cob and tomatoes.  There were too many flies on our picnic table so we had our lunch inside.  We then went down to the beach.  Mike wore his bathing suit and I was in jeans and sweatshirt.  It was really chilly on the beach.  I don't know how Mike sat there in his suit.  We didn't stay at the beach for long then headed up to the RV.  I read outside for a while then we had supper. We had a pretty sunset and fire.  As soon as the sun went down it got really cold so I did not stay outside at the fire for too long.  It was 48 degrees outside and 55 inside. The low for the night was 41 degrees.  Sat. 9/13/14  we woke up very cloudy and raining.  I read in bed for a long time then got up and we had breakfast real late.  After the dishes we drove up to Watertown and went to the movies. We saw November Man.  After the movie we ate dinner at Olive Garden.  The sun came out when we got home and the sunset was very pretty.  It was too windy for a fire so we played cards.  Sun. 9/14/14  Mike wanted to watch football so we drove down route 3 and found a bar and went in and ordered lunch and Mike watched his football game and I read.  We got home around 5:00 neither of us were hungry so we sat outside and read and had cocktail and snacks.  We had a fire but the night was very cold so I didn't last very long at the fire.  Went to bed early to get warm plus I read.  Mon. 9/15/14  woke up to clouds and cool.  Don and Diane arrived around 11:00.  We sat outside because the sun finally came out.  We also took a walk down the beach.  They brought lunch with them and we ate outside. Then we played cards. They wanted to do an early dinner so they could drive home in the daylight.  We drove down Rt. 81 to the Grist Mill and had dinner.  They left for home and we drove back to the RV.  It started to rain on the way home so we spent the evening reading.  Tues. 9/16/14 woke up to clouds and lots of wind.  I stayed in bed and read then we had a late breakfast.  After breakfast we took a walk on the beach.  When we got back the sun was out so we ate a late lunch outside.  Mike wanted to go to the beach so we did.  We stayed till the sun disappeared and it got chilly.  We weren't very hungry so we just had snacks and spend the evening playing cards and reading.  Wed. 9/17/14  we woke up to clouds.  Later in the morning we took a walk on the beach and collected driftwood.  After lunch the sun was out so we went to the beach.  Later on we came back up and had cocktails.  I went down to Claude and Janet's RV to see if they wanted to join us at our fire.  They were having company to their fire who we knew so we went down to their fire. Thurs. 9/18/14  woke up to clouds.  We drove to the farm market again and then went into Adams to their Tops Grocery Store to get some groceries.  When we got home the sun was out so we ate lunch outside and then went down to the beach.  Again Mike in his swimsuit and me in jeans and fleece, it was 60 degrees out.  We stayed down at the beach for a couple of hours then came back up and had cocktails.  We started the fire early cause it was suppose to be very cold tonight.  We did stay out till 9:00.  The low for tonight is suppose to be 37 degrees, brrrr!!  Fri. 9/19/14  Woke up to 41 degrees in the RV.  I stayed in bed and read.  We had a late breakfast.  After lunch we went down to the beach again., me fully dressed.  We spent the afternoon down there.  When we came up we had cocktails then supper.  It was warm enough to eat outside.  We had a campfire and Claude and Janet joined us. Sat. 9/20/14 woke up to clouds but lots warmer outside than yesterday.  After breakfast we started putting things away because we are leaving on Monday and tomorrow Mike wants to go back to that bar and watch Football.  We then took a long walk down the beach, it was very windy.  There were 3 kite boarders out on the lake.  They stayed out there all afternoon. We spent the rest of the afternoon reading and napping.  We had supper inside and then Mike restarted the fire that I had started earlier in the afternoon.  We stayed around the fire till about 10:30, it was a nice night.  Sun. 9/21/14   woke up to a cloudy day, later in the morning it started to rain.  I read in bed and then we had a late breakfast.  At noon we drove down Rt. 3 to that bar and we ate dinner for lunch so we would only need a sandwich for supper.  I sat and read while Mike watched his football game. When we got home Mike took a nap and I took my last walk on the beach.  It was so nice outside Mike and I played cards until the sun set and then we went inside and continued playing card.  Mon. 9/22/14  we were up by 8:00 and it was windy and cloudy.  It was 53 degrees out.  We had breakfast and put everything away and we pulled out of the campsite at 10:00 and were on the road by 10:40, best time yet for getting up and leaving.  We drove to the Waterloo exit and filled up with gas and had lunch at the Iron Skillet and then drove home.