Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week five at Knights Key - Marathon, FL

Valentine's Lunch at Sparky's Landing with the gang
Dinner at Porky's with the gang

Judy's fried keylime pie, delicious
Feb. 9 - 15    On Saturday we rode our bikes up to the bridge and out to Pigeon Key and back - 5 miles.  While on the bridge we saw two big sea turtles come up for air and go back down.  In the afternoon we went to Sombrero Beach.   Sunday there was an Art Festival down in the K-Mart shopping center so we went down and checked it out.  They had some different glass art and there was a lady who did art with fabric that was beautiful.  I spent the afternoon cleaning up from the kids visit and doing some laundry.   Monday afternoon Walt, he and his wife Diane we met 2 years ago and kept in touch, came down and showed Mike and I how to winterize our RV so we don't have to spend money having someone else do it.  After sunset Walt and Diane, Tim and Diane, Mike and I all went out to dinner because it was Tim and Diane's last night.   Tuesday Mike and I went to Sombrero Beach again, it was so warm I went into the ocean up to my waist.  I usually just get me feet wet because it is cold.  We made a pitcher of margaritas and took them down to the sunset.  They were so good.   Wednesday we went to the beach again.  At night we played Bingo but did not win.  The weather has been sunny, blue sky and in the low 80's.  Thursday was Valentine's Day.  We had decided to do a Valentine's lunch instead of dinner.  We went to Sparky's Landing, right next to a boat marina. Very pretty setting right on one of the boat canals.  We had gone there 2 yrs. ago and I had a lobster taco which was delicious. We had mentioned we were going to Sparky's the night before at sunset and the whole gang joined us (10 of us).  We all had a good meal and my taco was delicious.  When we got home I took a ride around the campground several times, I was too lazy to ride all the way up to the bridge.  After sunset we watched our first movie in the RV.  It took me a little while to figure the system out but finally got it to work.  We don't watch TV here because we only have an antenna and there is no cable reception.   Friday was the first day we woke up to a completely cloudy sky, it had rained the night before.  We drove up to the bridge and walked for a while then came home.  It rained on and off all afternoon so Mike took a nap and I worked on the computer and read.  Seeing it was cloudy and there was no sunset we were invited down to Walt and Diane's for Bloody Marys under their awning.  Steve and Evin and Wayne and Chris joined us too.  We all went out to dinner to another seafood restaurant, The Castaways and had a good meal.  That is one thing they are not short of, seafood restaurants around here, which is fine by us. 

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