Monday, September 9, 2013

Southwick Beach State Park - Sept.

Mon. 9/9/13  We left for Southwick Beach State Park around 11:00AM.  We stopped at the rest stop near Eastview  Mall to hook up the Tucson.  We stopped at the Waterloo Thruway exit at the Petro to fill up with gas and get a Subway sandwich, for lunch which we ate in the RV while traveling.  We arrived at Southwick around 2:30.  We are on Site 9.  We set up and sat outside in the sun reading and napping till supper time.  We ate then walked the garbage down to the concession stand.  We walked out to the point and met a couple who camp only once a year and they rent the RV from a place in Adams, NY and the place drives the camper over and sets it up for them and they arrive and enjoy their 2 weeks; then they leave and the vendor comes back over and removes the RV.  When we got back to the RV, we set  up our fire and enjoyed it till 10 PM.  Tues. 9/10/13  we got up to rain and thunder.  By the time we had breakfast and cleaned up, the sun was out so we took a walk on the beach.  Down the beach people over the summer had tried to build a tee-pee out of driftwood, and further down someone had built a leanto out of driftwood.  After lunch we went down to the beach and sat with Janet and Claude all afternoon.  Mike went into the water twice, I just got my feet wet.  We came back up for supper then we had a fire and Janet and Claude and Bob and Diane joined us. It was very warm in the RV so Mike got out the battery operated fan and set it up so we would be comfortable sleeping that night.  Wed. 9/11/13 we were up early because we did not sleep very well because it was a very warm night. Mike went up to take a shower and all he had was hot water so when he got back he ate breakfast outside where there was a nice breeze.  The Heinzmans arrived around 11 AM.  We sat in the shade at the end of the RV and talked.  It was a gorgeous day and very warm out.  We finally got our suits on and went down to the beach.  We all went into the water; it was that warm out.  Around 1:30 PM we all went back up to the RV and had lunch then we went back down and spent the rest of the afternoon down at the beach.  We came up around 5:00 and played cards.  We had supper and we were going to have a fire but it started to rain so they decided to head for home.  The rain stopped so we just sat outside because there was a nice breeze to keep us cool.  Thurs. 9/12/13 we got up to a very gray day.  Bob and Mary Fenton arrived around 10:30.  We spent the day inside playing cards because it was raining off and on all morning.  After lunch it wasn't raining, so we took a walk down the beach. We played more cards then around 4 we drove to Sandy Pond Steak House and had dinner.  After dinner Bob and Mary left for home and we came back to the RV and saw a gorgeous sunset.  Janet and Claude had invited us down to their RV for a fire, so we went. It started to sprinkle but we sat there anyways and it stopped and the clouds went away and we had a 1/2 moon and it was a very nice night. Friday 9/13/13 we said good-bye to Janet and Claude as they were going home for a week.  We then drove to Aunt Ethel's and spent the day with her and Jim.  On the way home, we stopped at a Restaurant just before getting on Rt. 81 and had dinner.  It was cold and windy outside when we got back to the RV, so we decided not to have a fire and we spent the evening playing cards and reading.  Sat. 9/14/13 we slept in and had a late breakfast. We took a long walk down the beach then came back and I sat outside reading and Mike took a nap.  It got cold outside so I came in and we played cards. After supper we built a fire and sat around it till around 9 PM, then went in and played cards then went to bed. Sun. 9/15/13  I took a walk after breakfast and on the beach there were 4 people, one wind-surfer and 2 tried to kite board and the other person paddle boarded.  I watched them for a while.  In the afternoon Mike went to a bar and watched the Buffalo Bill's football game.  I started a fire and read all afternoon.  When Mike got back, the Bill's had won, we went out to dinner at Cooper's Landing.  When we got back it was raining so we read and worked on the computer all night. When we went to bed the wind came up and it really blew all night long, rained too. Mon. 9/16/13 we got up and it was 55 degrees out.  We read all morning.  In the afternoon I rode my bike all over the campground.  When I got back the sun was out so I read outside.  I started a fire.  We ate supper and sat around the fire for a while, but it was getting colder and colder.  We went inside and the temp was 48 degrees.  We played cards then went to bed.  The low got to 35 degrees outside and 41 degrees inside, brrrrr.  Tues. 9/17/13  When we got up it was very cold.  We got out our electric heater and while the generator was going, we had the heater going.  We spent the morning getting ready to leave the next day.  I cleaned and Mike put things away outside.  After lunch we went down to the beach, our last day.  It was gorgeous but chilly;  I wore jeans and fleece and Mike was in a bathing suit but he did not go into the water that day.  We had cocktails down there and didn't come up to RV till after 6 PM.  We had supper and then our last campfire.  Wed. 9/18/13  we got up around 9:00 and ate breakfast, then got ready to go home.  We arrived at home around 4 PM.  We were supposed to stay till Thurs., but it was so cold, we decided to come home a day early.

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