Saturday, January 26, 2013

Week three at Knights Key - Marathon, FL

Kite Boarders at Ann's Beach

Kite Boarders at Ann's Beach

Low tide and Kite Boarders at Ann's Beach

Our shrimp fest

Mike at Sunset

Another pretty sunset
Jan. 26 - Feb. 1     We spent some time this week checking out places we can take Katie and her family when they get here on Sat. 2/2/13.  She wanted to ride bikes on the old 7 mile bridge so we found a place that had a baby seat on back of a bike and a child's bike.  We also made reservations at the Turtle Hospital for their tour. We rode our bikes up to the old 7 mile bridge and road out to Pigeon Key, a small island which was 2 miles one way and it is 1/2 mile from our RV up to the bridge so we rode 5 miles that day. We have gone to Sombrero Beach several times.  On Monday night we went and played Bunco and LCR.  I won the pot, 27 quarters, with LCR. On Tuesday we drove up Route 1 to Ann's Beach.  We have passed it several times and I wanted to check it out.  It looked pretty from the road but when we walked it it was very narrow and the sand was yucky.  There were alot of Kite Boarders there so we sat and watched them for a while.  They are fun to watch especially when they jump the waves and go airborne. The camp ground has singers come here on Tues. night which we have gone and listened to.  This week's singer wasn't very good so we did not stay long.  On Wed. night we go and play Bingo, we are getting old aren't we, but we are having fun.  We walked the bridge on Thurs. but didn't go very far because it was very windy and it is harder to walk back against the wind. Around 4:00 on Thurs. everyone (9) came over to our site and we had ourselves a steamed shrimp fest.  Everybody had 1 pound of peel your own shrimp.  They were real good.  Friday I spent the morning cleaning and getting ready for Katie and her family to arrive the next day.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week two at Knights Key - Marathon, FL

One of our favorite sea birds

Judy with new and old 7 Mile Bridge behind her

Bahia Honda State Park Beach (went kayaking here)
Walt and Diane, with Walt feeding seagulls
The gang toasting the sunset
The sun has set.
Jan. 19 - 25    We have had cooler weather this week here in the Keys.  We even have turned off the air because of the breeze outside is cool (in high 60's at night) and low 70's during the day.  The sun and blue sky are still with us so the days have been very nice.  Last Saturday we drove over the 7 Mile Bridge to Big Pine Key and went to a flea market. We bought a few things but not as much as 2 yrs. ago.  When we got home Walt and Diane Hess, people we met 2 yrs. ago, had just arrived.  They are from Ft. Wayne, IN.  Around 5:30 all of us went over to the beach area here in the campground and watched the sunset.  We have done that every evening now since they got here. Our morning routine is usually have breakfast, walk or ride bikes over on old 7 mi. bridge, then come back and wash the dishes, then run some errands.  After lunch we will either go to the beach or stay here and sit in our lounge chairs and nap and read our books. Such a hard life.  Last Monday night we went and played Bunco.  On Wed. night we went and played Bingo.  Friday Walt and Diane asked if we wanted to go to Bahia Honda State Park and sit on the beach while they kayak.  They even let me try to kayak; I did pretty good.  Mike has no interest to try the kayak.  It is a real nice beach and very shallow and the sand is so white.  Sat. night we made margaritas and took them over to the sunset.  It is a strange mix - 1 can of limeade, 1 can of tequila and 1 can of beer, add ice and stir do not shake.  It tasted very good.  At night Mike and I play cards.  One night I won all the games but lately he has been winning, a couple of times by just one point.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week one at Knights Key - Marathon, FL

Our real site, site BB

Out our back window, just a few feet away

Sombrero Beach, where we go
one of many gorgeous sunsets
Jan. 12 - 18    We have been here a week now.  The weather for the first 5 days was sunny and in the 80's. Friday we had a cold spell come through, it was in the high 60's during the day and low 60's at night.  This lasted for a couple of days. We are now high 70's during the day and middle 60's for night which is perfect. We have walked the old 7 mile bridge almost every day. On Tuesday we moved over to the site we reserved last year.  We have the ocean out our back window. It is very pretty.  Because they don't have cable hook-up and there is no reception with the antena up, we don't have any TV to watch.  Last Sat. and Sunday Mike had to go find a TV to watch football.  On Sunday at supper time I went with Mike to have dinner out and so he could watch the 2nd football game.  I sat and read my Kindle while Mike watched the game.  We have been to Sombrero Beach several times.  The water is too cold for me but Mike has been in several times.  Almost every night around 5:30 we go over to the campground beach and sit and have a glass of wine and watch the sun set.  There have been some gorgeous sunsets.   So far we have had 2 nights of entertainment.  One was a single guy who sang songs from our era, he was real good.  Mike and I even danced to some of his songs.  Then another night we were entertained by "The Blues Brothers"  They were really good.  We play Bingo every Wed. night, we didn't win anything last week. We also went and played Bunco last Friday night.  A couple who we met and went out to dinner a couple of times 2 years ago arrived on Sat. We had kept up with them through e-mail and Christmas Cards.  It was nice seeing them again.  We did the sunset together and then went out to dinner together last Saturday. We had a very nice time and I think we will have fun with them while they are here for 4 weeks.

Marathon, FL ( in the middle of the Keys)

Knights Key, Marathon (site LL)
Day 6

We left Ft. Pierce at 8:15 and arrived in Marathon at 1:00.  We took the Florida Turnpike instead of 95 because there is less traffic and less tractor trailers.  Our reservation at Knights Key RV Resort and Marina is not supposed to start till Jan. 15, so they put us in another site and then on the 15th' we will move to the one we requested when we made the reservation 2 years ago.  We hooked up water and electricity then set up the inside of the RV.  It was very warm outside but there was a beautiful breeze.  We sat out in the shade and read.  We took a little walk around the resort then we got in the car and went out to dinner.  When we got back Mike went over to Kyle's Inn, a little restaurant here in the resort to watch football.  The resort does not have cable and when I put up the attenna all I get is a snowy picture and it is in spanish.  If I want to watch one of my programs, I use on my computer. I spent the rest of the night reading, I love my Kindle.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Heading to Florida for the Winter, Day 5 - 2013

Day 5

Ft. Pierce, FL

We took our time getting ready this morning because we had less than 200 miles to drive today.  The motel offered free breakfast so we ate there.  We left the motel and drove to the RV and hooked up the car then we were on 95 again around 10:00AM.  We stopped at a rest stop around 12:30 and ate lunch.  We got to Treasure Coast RV Park in Ft. Pierce, FL at 2:15.  It is a very nice camping resort.  We hooked up everything this time (sewer, water, elect. and cable) because being in Florida, I can safely unwinterize the RV so we can have water and can use our bathroom in the RV; yea.  We sat outside in the 80 degree sunshine and a beautiful breeze.   We went out for a quick supper then took a walk around the RV park.  We both worked on our computers, then we went to bed.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Heading to Florida for the Winter, Day 3 & 4 - 2013

Day 3 & Day 4

We left Enfield, NC around 9:00AM and drove south on 95.  We drove the rest of the way in NC then all the way through SC.  When we got into GA we stopped at Richmond Hills, GA at a KOA.  We had stopped here 2 years ago on our way to Florida. The next day we got on 95 by 8:15AM and we were in Camping World in St. Augustine, FL by 10:30AM. We left the RV there to be fixed and at noon we met some friends, Tom and Mary, for lunch.  When we got back to Camping World we sat in the waiting room till about 3:00 and then they told us it was fixed.  It was covered under warranty so wasn't too expensive.  We decided that by the time we hooked the car up and got on the road it would be going for 4 and it was a couple of hours to our next campsite and it would be dark when we got there, so we decided to stay in The Hampton Inn and leave on Friday.  We called our friends back and went out to dinner with them, then we went back to the room and crashed and watched TV.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Heading to Florida for the Winter, Day 2 - 2013

Day 2

Enfield, NC

We were up and ready for breakfast at 6:00. Didn't sleep that great.  We found a Cracker Barrell the night before so we went there for breakfast.  We came back and got the RV ready for another day of travel.  The inside of the windshield was all frosted over on the inside, so I scrapped it off and the dash was covered with snow.  We couldn't turn the engine heater on because yesterday it started to make a horrible noise, so we were a little cold driving today.  It was a sunny day so that helped a little bit to warm us up inside the RV.  We left the campground around 8:15 and got to 95 three and half hours later.  Now it is a straight shot to Marathon in the Keys.  We stopped at 3:00 at a KOA in Enfield, NC.  Set up and even sat outside for a while because it was nice and sunny out.  We went out to dinner in Rocky Mount, NC.  We ate at a Red Lobster, yum, yum snow crab.  We got back to the rig and we both worked on our computers and then read for a while and went to bed.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Heading to Florida for the Winter, Day 1 - 2013

Carlisle, PA

Day 1.  We left Pittsford, NY at 8:30 Monday Jan. 7, 2012.  It had snowed about 1/2 in of new snow the night before, so we had to sweep a path out to the RV to take in the last minute items plus sweep the windshield off.  I followed the RV with the Tucson till we got to the first rest stop on 390.  We then hooked the Tucson to the RV and we took off for the south.  It took us 6 and a half hours to get to the campground in Carlisle, PA.  It was very cold there but hardly any snow.  We set up the RV then drove to Applebee's for supper.  Mike wanted to watch the Auburn, Notre Dame football game so we decided we would come back to Applebee's to watch football on TV, but when we got home he found he could watch the game on his phone, so we stayed in the RV, wrapped in blankets to keep warm.  I read, he watched.  It was a cold night but this time we had an electric blanket to keep us warm.  The low temp for the night was 29 degrees, 2 years ago it was 15 degrees.