Saturday, January 26, 2013

Week three at Knights Key - Marathon, FL

Kite Boarders at Ann's Beach

Kite Boarders at Ann's Beach

Low tide and Kite Boarders at Ann's Beach

Our shrimp fest

Mike at Sunset

Another pretty sunset
Jan. 26 - Feb. 1     We spent some time this week checking out places we can take Katie and her family when they get here on Sat. 2/2/13.  She wanted to ride bikes on the old 7 mile bridge so we found a place that had a baby seat on back of a bike and a child's bike.  We also made reservations at the Turtle Hospital for their tour. We rode our bikes up to the old 7 mile bridge and road out to Pigeon Key, a small island which was 2 miles one way and it is 1/2 mile from our RV up to the bridge so we rode 5 miles that day. We have gone to Sombrero Beach several times.  On Monday night we went and played Bunco and LCR.  I won the pot, 27 quarters, with LCR. On Tuesday we drove up Route 1 to Ann's Beach.  We have passed it several times and I wanted to check it out.  It looked pretty from the road but when we walked it it was very narrow and the sand was yucky.  There were alot of Kite Boarders there so we sat and watched them for a while.  They are fun to watch especially when they jump the waves and go airborne. The camp ground has singers come here on Tues. night which we have gone and listened to.  This week's singer wasn't very good so we did not stay long.  On Wed. night we go and play Bingo, we are getting old aren't we, but we are having fun.  We walked the bridge on Thurs. but didn't go very far because it was very windy and it is harder to walk back against the wind. Around 4:00 on Thurs. everyone (9) came over to our site and we had ourselves a steamed shrimp fest.  Everybody had 1 pound of peel your own shrimp.  They were real good.  Friday I spent the morning cleaning and getting ready for Katie and her family to arrive the next day.

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